Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque - Famagusta




The cathedral of St. Nicholas / Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque is the largest medieval building in Famagusta and was commenced in 1300 AD. It must be noted that the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages often took more than 100 years to complete, so was St. Nicholas was completed about 1400.

The Gothic style of architecture closely resembles closely the great cathedral of Rheims in Paris, France.

Similarly, St. Sophia Cathedral in Nicosia (now Selimiye Mosque) and Bellapais Abbey all seem to be the work of French architect, and this is understandable when one realises that the Kings of Cyprus from 1190 to 1489 were all of the French Lusignan dynasty who, at least in their churches, "Frenchified" Cyprus.